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The different points and the reactivity of fireproofing and heat-resistant paint

Thảo luận trong 'Rao vặt Tổng hợp' bắt đầu bởi hanmai1712, 21/5/22.

  1. hanmai1712

    hanmai1712 Member

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    In the construction industry, it is easy for many people to confuse fireproofing paint with heat-resistant paint. Actually these are two different paints and have different applications. The following content will help you clearly distinguish how to distinguish and apply these two paint lines.


    The difference between fireproofing paint and heat resistant paint and the applications of these two paints
    Here is the definition and application of these two paints:

    1. Fireproofing paint:
    This is a line of paints manufactured to prevent the spread of fire when a fire occurs. When an explosion occurs, the fireproof paint will emit a layer of gas to avoid the spread of fire on the surface of the material. At the same time, the special ingredients in the paint will swell 40-70 times when exposed to fire with the aim of creating a protective film that does not allow fire to come into direct contact with the material.

    Fireproofing paint is applied to steel structure works, paint fire partitions, paint corrugated iron roofs, fire walls and floors.

    1. heat resistant paint
    Heat-resistant paint is a type of paint that can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius. Heat-resistant paint can resist fire, smoke, and rust. Paint is designed to withstand high temperatures for extended periods of time but cannot prevent combustible materials such as wood and heat resistant paint is not designed to resist fire, it only reduces the likelihood of burning and slowing down. flammability for a limited time.

    Heat resistant paint is used in equipment that heats water or other liquids to generate heat and steam, for example boilers. Heat resistant paint is mainly used to manufacture products such as fireplaces, grills, ovens, chimneys, fans, transmission and exhaust systems in vehicles.


    Fireproofing paint and heat resistant paint are basically two different paint lines that are applied in different products. Therefore, depending on the purpose of use, you choose the right type of paint for your product.

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